경북 청송 주왕산 둘레길 걷기
Walk along the Dulegil of Cheongsong JuWang Mountain in Southkorea
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주산지 또한 주왕산의 자락에 위치하고 있고 주왕산에서 차로 이동하여 20분 이내에 도착할 수 있습니다.
주산지는 봄여름가을겨울이라는 영화의 배경이 된 호수로 자연그대로의 아름다운 호수 풍경을 즐기실 수 있습니다.
I went to Mt. Juwang in Cheongsong, North Gyeongsang Province. Juwangsan Mountain is located at the foot of Baekdudaegan Mountain in Korea.
A large mountain stretching from Cheongsong-gun and Yeongdeok-gun is part of the national park.
Also, because there are no large mountains around, the mountain looks bigger, more rugged and beautiful.
Juwangsan Mountain has been one of the eight scenic views of Joseon since its early days.
The reason why Juwangsan Mountain formed a large valley of rocks is because of the volcanic eruption of the past.
The mountain is said to have been covered by a series of explosions, creating the current high cliffs and rock cliffs.
Juwangsan Mountain has many hiking trails, but the Dulegil is very well constructed.
The course is now very well organized, offering a gentle slope and a tour of Juwangsan.
It takes about three hours to get back and forth, so it will be great to walk along the Dulegil of Juwangsan Mountain with your family.
As you can see in the picture above, Korea has a landscape that looks like a Chinese market. If you walk along the wooden deck, you won't be able to tell whether it's Korean or Japanese. You can't see it in the picture above, but you can see the valley water flowing along the cliff.
If you walk between the valley water, cliffs and trees, you can enjoy a walk in the summer, forgetting the heat.
There are many squirrels living in Juwangsan, too. It does not appear well in the afternoon, but if you climb Juwang Mountain in the early morning hours, you can meet many cute squirrels looking for food. When we went to Juwangsan Mountain, a squirrel was standing in the middle of the road blocking food as if it were to serve.
Eventually, we were forced to serve healthy foods like walnuts and almonds, the nuts we took to eat.
If you're going to Juwangsan, it's great to visit here and visit Jusanji, which is located nearby.
Jusanji is also located at the foot of Juwangsan Mountain and can be reached by car from Juwangsan Mountain in less than 20 minutes.
Jusanji is a lake set in the movie Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake naturally.